General Questions

I was injured at work but I’m not sure if it would be covered under Workers’ Compensation. Should I still file a incident report?

If you believe your injury is work- related, you can file a claim. CSU Workers’ Compensation and the adjuster assigned will complete an investigation and determine if this is a covered Workers’ Compensation claim. You will need to assist with the investigation and provide accurate information regarding the event.

I had a work-related injury but don’t want to see a doctor. Do I still need to file an incident report?

CSU recommends that employees with a work-related injury file an incident report. The benefit of reporting is that if an injury that appears minor turns out to be more serious and needs medical attention a few weeks later, there is a record of the incident. Without the timely record, a late reported incident is more likely to be denied.

I had a work related injury but don’t want to see a doctor. Do I still need to go to an Authorized Treating Physician (ATP)?

CSU strongly encourages injured workers to seek medical care with an Authorized Treating Physician (ATP) if they have any concerns. This will allow for documentation of the event and medical condition(s) should you need to seek treatment in the future. It is also important to remember that missed time from work, prior to seeing an ATP, may not be covered for wage replacement benefits under Workers’ Compensation.

I want to know more about the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act. What are my rights and responsibilities as an injured worker?

Please review the information on the website and contact CSU’s Workers’ Compensation office at  (970) 491-4832 with any questions that you have regarding your claim. If you need additional information, the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation has a number of resources, including an Employee Handbook (PDF). You may review the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation website for more information.

I received an Admission of Liability in the mail. What does it mean?

The Admission of Liability outlines the status of your claim. Please review it thoroughly and contact the adjuster directly to discuss any questions you may have. An admission will also outline your average weekly wages and provide information about what to do if you don’t agree to the admission. You must respond within 30 days is you have any objections. You may also review the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation website for more information.

I received the Authorization for Medical Release and Medical Treatment Information form in the mail. What is this for?

The Medical Treatment Information release form is typically sent by a claims adjuster. It requires that the injured worker provides information to the requesting party about any physicians that they have seen previously for any prior conditions . Please fill out the form and return as soon as possible or contact your adjuster with any questions.

What is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?

MMI is the point at which the treating physician determines that medical treatment is no longer needed for injury recovery and the employee is released from care. Following MMI, the Workers Compensation claim will be closed.

I think my employer or another person is responsible for my injury and I want to sue them. What are my rights?

Workers’ Compensation benefits are your sole remedy under Colorado law. You cannot sue your employer if you get injured on the job. If your accident was caused by a third party (someone other than your employer or co-worker), you need to seek legal counsel on your own.  CSU might file a subrogation claim against them to recover CSU losses.

I received a Notice of Contest (NOC) in the mail. What does that mean?

The insurance company may put your claim on a Notice of Contest (NOC) for a variety of reasons:

Further Investigation – if the Further Investigation box is checked, the Notice indicates that the claim is neither accepted nor denied, but the adjuster needs more information to determine compensability. Please respond to correspondence or calls from the adjuster in a timely fashion so that all issues can be clarified and resolved quickly, as your benefits during a NOC are affected.

Not Work-Related – if the Not Work-Related box is checked, the Notice indicates that your claim has been denied. Reasons for denial usually are:

  • The medical provider indicates that the injury is not work related
  • The employee wasn’t performing work within the course and scope of their employment at time of injury.
What if my claim is denied?

The insurance company may deny your claim for a variety of reasons. Examples include:

  • The medical provider indicates that the injury is not work related
  • The employee wasn’t performing work within the course and scope of their employment at time of injury

If your claim is denied, you will be responsible for all medical bills for services not coordinated through CSU’s Authorized Treating Physician (ATP) network. If you believe your claim has been incorrectly denied, refer to the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation website for your options.

If I don’t file my claim in a timely manner, can I still file?

You may file a report at any time. The statute states that, if you do not report your injury to your employer in writing within four working days, you may be penalized and lose up to one day’s compensation for each day’s delay.  Keep a copy of your written notice. When a claim is filed several weeks to months after the event, it will be placed on a Notice of Contest for further investigation.

What is the Final Admission of Liability?

A Final Admission of Liability (FAL) is filed at the end of a claim, when there was lost time past the waiting period and/or an impairment rating is assigned by the treating physician.  Final Admissions are typically filed when the injured worker reaches “maximum medical improvement” (MMI), which is defined as a point where medical treatment will not improve the condition. The FAL outlines benefits that the employee received, as well as, benefits that may be due to the employee now or in the future.

If you receive a Final Admission of Liability from the insurance company, and you have no objections, your claim will be closed.

If you disagree with the Final Admission, you must object in writing WITHIN 30 DAYS. You should receive an Objection to Final Admission form attached to the Final Admission. If you do not receive an objection form, contact the Customer Service Unit at the Division of Workers’ Compensation at 303-318-8700, or 888-390-7936, or at [email protected] to obtain a form. Complete the objection form or write an objection letter, within 30 days, to the Division of Workers’ Compensation, 633 17th St., Denver, Colorado 80202-3626, and send a certified copy to the insurance carrier or self-insured employer.

Please contact your adjuster for any questions you might have about your Final Admission.

May I reopen my claim after it is closed?

If you believe you need additional medical care after your claim has been closed, you may apply to reopen your claim.

If you are still an employee of CSU and it has been less than a year from the date your claim was closed, please contact (for Colorado claims) Gallagher Bassett at (303) 218-7834 or (for out-of-state claims) Travelers Insurance at 800-252-4633.

If you are no longer an employee of CSU or it has been over a year since your claim was closed, please contact the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation about how to file a petition to reopen your claim. You can file a petition within six years of Date of Injury or two years from the last benefit paid, whichever is longer. Please go to Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation for more information or call 303-318-8700 or 1-888-390-7936.

How will the Authorized Treating Provider (ATP) know what type of work I do?

The CSU Workers’ Compensation Program will obtain information from the department and have a physical demand analysis, job site evaluation and/or ergonomic evaluation completed, when needed. The employee and supervisor are important parties in the process and can assist in outlining information regarding the worker’s  job duties, as well as modified tasks available in the department.

Are student internships considered in Workers’ Compensation?

Students injured in the course of supervised, unpaid internships for credit, that are in facilities NOT owned or operated by CSU, may be eligible for coverage by the university’s Workers’ Compensation benefits. If a student is injured on the job or sustains a work-related illness that is deemed in the course and scope of the internship, reasonable and necessary medical benefits may be paid as provided by Workers’ Compensation statute.

All the following requirements need to be met in order for coverage to be considered:

1. The work training program or internship is facilitated and supervised by CSU
2. CSU placed the individual with the employer for purposes of training
3. The training was prearranged FOR CREDIT,  prior to the student beginning the program/activity
4. The internship is an unpaid internship, without remuneration/compensation of any kind,  with a cooperative agency
5. The internship is not at or for CSU
6. The injury occurred during the duties assigned and outlined as part of the internship

Students serving in unpaid internships at a Colorado State University owned and operated facility are not covered by Workers’ Compensation insurance. If the student intern is receiving any kind of compensation (including room and/or board, salary, etc.) from the host employer, then the intern is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from that host employer.

For more information please go to Internships.

Payments, Benefits, Bills and Reimbursements

The doctor gave me a prescription. How do I get it filled?

Within 10 days of filing your claim, you will receive correspondence from the adjuster providing you a personal prescription card and correspondence explaining how to use it for all prescriptions related to your claim. If you need a prescription filled prior to receiving a card in the mail contact, the CSU Workers’ Compensation office at (970) 491-4832 and we can provide one to you. You can also e-mail us at [email protected].  If you need a prescription filled immediately and it is after hours or on a weekend, and you pay for it yourself, please send your receipt to your adjuster for reimbursement.

I received a bill associated with my Workers’ Compensation claim. What should I do with it?

If you receive any bills directly from a provider, DO NOT DISREGARD THEM. Contact the provider with your CSU claim number and the billing information below, then contact your adjuster:

Employees who are based in Colorado:
Gallagher Bassett (GB)
P.O. Box 4068, Englewood, CO 80155-4068
Phone: 800-933-8143
Fax: (303) 796-9498

Employees who are based out of state:
Travelers Insurance
Toll-Free: (800) 252-4633

I ran out of mileage forms. Where can I get more?

Please download and complete the Mileage Reimbursement Form (PDF) and remember to keep a copy for your records before submitting it to the carrier.

What happens if I don’t accept a Temporary Modified Duty offer?

If you are offered work within your restrictions you should accept the position. If you refuse, your lost time wage replacement benefits through the Workers’ Compensation carrier may be terminated for the hours that were offered to you, and you forfeit CSU Workers Comp Injury Leave benefits.

How am I paid for time lost from work due to an injury?

A – Hourly and not fully benefitted employees get paid every two weeks directly by the insurance carrier in accordance with the state statute

Colorado Workers’ Compensation statute

  1. Missed time the day of injury is not considered for Workers’ Compensation.
  2. Missed time prior to seeking medical care is not considered for coverage.
  3. The first three work shifts (cumulative) taken off work by the physician, or no work available within the medical restrictions are the employee’s responsibility.
  4. Time to attend medical appointments is not covered.
  5. Lost time exceeding the first three work shifts (cumulative) will be paid at 66.66% of the employees average weekly wage.

In order to receive wage replacement benefit, the employee must report missed time, along with medical documentation, to CSU’s Workers’ Compensation office on a weekly basis. Completed Injury Timesheets (PDF) can be e-mailed to [email protected]. The Workers’ Compensation office will report the lost time to the insurance carrier.

Please note that out-of-state claims are adjusted according to their state’s Workers Compensation statute. Waiting periods and wage replacement may not be the same as listed above.

B – Fully benefitted employees with compensable claims get paid through CSU’s Wage Continuation benefit.

CSU Wage Continuation benefit

  1. Missed time the day of injury is covered by Administrative Leave, provided the employee seeks medical care the same day.
  2. Missed time prior to seeking medical care is not considered for coverage.
  3. The first 24 hours (cumulative) of approved missed time (this includes time taken off for medical appointments, taken off work by the physician, or no work available within the medical restrictions) are the employee’s responsibility.

Lost time exceeding the 24 hour waiting period will be paid at the employee’s regular wage for authorized lost time up to 90 occurrences. After 90 occurrences, the wage continuation benefit is exhausted and the employee will be paid directly by the insurance carrier at 66.66% (varies by state)

In order to receive wage continuation, the employee must report missed time, along with medical documentation, to CSU’s Workers’ Compensation office on a weekly basis. Completed Injury Timesheets (PDF) can be e-mailed to [email protected].

Supervisors and Departments

I’m a supervisor. My injured employee is losing time from work. What do I do?

Notify the Workers’ Compensation office immediately if your injured employee is taken off work by the physician or if you do not have work available within the medical restrictions. Please complete an Injury Timesheet (PDF) for all lost time, including medical appointments, physical therapy appointments, etc.

Note, that hourly employees’ time for medical appointments is not covered and needs to be taken as personal leave.

Timesheets must be completed weekly (refer to the Employee Injury Guide for further information) and submitted to the Workers’ Compensation office weekly.

E-mail to: [email protected]
Campus Mail: send to 6002 Campus Delivery
Fax to: (970) 491-4804
Hand Deliver to:  General Services Bldg., #141, 1251 S. Mason Str.

Please refer to Injury Leave and Lost Time or contact Workers’ Compensation at with any questions.

What should I do if employee’s medical appointments create numerous interruptions due to a worker’s ongoing medical treatment?

While ongoing medical treatment is common, time away from work should be minimized and not create undue interruptions to the work flow. When at all possible, the employee should schedule appointments outside of work hours.  If scheduling conflicts continue, contact the CSU Workers’ Compensation Manager for assistance with coordinating medical appointments that don’t interfere with work demands.

What if an injured worker moves out of the area or doesn’t want to return to work?

An employer in Colorado is entitled to make an offer of employment in the same geographic area in which the injury took place. An injured worker who relocates is still obligated to acknowledge the offer. If the injured worker is offered modified work in accordance with Colorado Workers’ Compensation rules and fails to return to work, his or her benefits may be modified or terminated.

What if an injured worker on modified duty comes to work and is not productive, takes excessive breaks and/or wastes the time of other workers?

Injured workers are expected to be productive within their capacity and restrictions. Employees on temporary modified duty are expected to adhere to all CSU rules, regulations, and performance expectations.  The injured worker should be regarded as any other employee and held to the same university policies.

What if my worker reports to work, but complains that they hurt too bad to work?

If an injured party is having difficulty working, completing a job task or wants to leave work due to their pain, please direct them back to the Authorized Treating Physician (ATP). Do not send the injured worker home. The physician will need to evaluate symptoms and address the employee’s current restrictions.

If an employee chooses to take time off or goes home early due to a work-related injury, they must to see an Authorized Treating Physician (ATP) or the time off will be their personal leave.

Never hesitate to call the Workers’ Compensation office at (970) 491-4832.

What if permanent restrictions do not allow a worker to perform essential functions of his/her job

An employee who cannot return to their pre-injury position is not guaranteed employment with CSU. Their home department may pursue termination for inability to perform job tasks. It is the worker’s responsibility to contact personnel to pursue alternative employment options that may be available within the university.

The employee should contact the Benefits office to discuss resources and options.

Human Resources
555 S. Howes St, 2nd Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80523-6004
(970) 491-MyHR (6947)

The Office of Equal Opportunity is also available to work with individuals seeking assistance.

Office of Equal Opportunity
101 Student Services Building
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-0160
Phone: (970) 491-5836
Fax: (970) 491-2690

Contact CSU Workers’ Compensation
(970) 491-4832