Matching Funds Program
The ergonomic matching funds program offers potential funding of up to $500 dollars per employee in matching funds (50% of total equipment cost) to modify existing office computer workstations to provide departments a cost-effective method of injury protection.
Employees applying for funds must meet several criteria as part of the program such as completion of an office ergonomic evaluation, attendance at an office ergonomics training session and completion of the matching funds application.
Much of the matching funds process is automated and employees applying for matching funds are required to check their respective “dashboard” online to ensure each step in the process has been completed. The matching funds dashboard provides employee with access to important information and allows for review and tracking of each step required in the process, due dates and other pertinent information. Employees are responsible for ensuring all criteria has been met within the given time frames. If a certain step is not completed within allotted time frames, the application will be void and the process must be repeated.
Matching Funds Application and Dashboard
Matching Funds Program Procedure
Contact CSU’s Ergonomics Manager