How to Use CSU’s International Travel Insurance
CSU’s International Travel Insurance covers all CSU faculty and employees traveling internationally on CSU business, provided that they have registered first with Risk Management prior to departure. For the CSU International Travel Insurance card please download the CSU International Travel Card (PDF).
All travelers should download and keep a copy of this travel insurance card with them, and have it available while they are traveling.
This insurance renews August of each year, and the travel insurance card will be updated August of each year.
Should you experience a medical emergency while you are traveling internationally, please contact the Travel and Medical Assistance Provider listed on the insurance card. When contacting CSU’s provider please state that you are from Colorado State University, and please quote the policy number provided.
If you do not have this information, please contact us, so that we can contact the provider on your behalf.
For non-emergency out of pocket medical expenses incurred in an international destination, please contact us for assistance to submit a claim for possible reimbursement on your return.
For any other questions, please contact us. For all travelers with student status who wish to travel internationally, contact the Office of Education Abroad.