International/Foreign Liability
CSU faculty and staff traveling outside the United States of America while on university business are covered by CSU’s international Insurance program. In addition to liability protection, coverage also includes travel assistance, emergency medical expenses, medical evacuation, political/ security evacuation, repatriation of remains, lost document assistance, embassy and consular information, and security assistance. Coverage is world-wide except in the USA and its territories, including Puerto Rico, and any country subject to US economic/ trade sanctions.
Traveler registration is REQUIRED prior to departure. Failure to register means that the traveler will not be covered by CSU’s programs, and it means that the Traveler will not be reimbursed for any out of pocket travel expenses.
As of July 20th, 2015 RMI’s international travel approval process has been upgraded. Now, for all faculty and employees who travel internationally on CSU business (including no cost business travel), the travel is registered and approved through Kuali TEM. This means that the travel process and the RMI approval process is streamlined.
Please ensure that the TA (Travel Authorization) is saved and submitted PRIOR to traveler departure.
Please ensure that all trip details including no cost business travel are included in the TA.