Travel Advisory Waiver Form
Please note that the US State Department has changed the way it issues travel advisories on all countries. It now uses a 4 tier system:- level 1 – exercise normal precautions, Level 2 – exercise increased precautions, level 3 – reconsider travel, and level 4 do not travel.
The travel advisory waiver is required for all destinations subject to a U.S State Department level 3 (reconsider travel) and level 4 (do not travel) travel advisory.
For level 2 destinations RMI will designate those destinations that require a travel advisory based on the following factors:-
The US State Department refers to regions or areas within the country, and assesses those regions at either a level 3 or a level 4.
CSU’s international travel underwriters assess the destination as being of medium to high risk.
For more information about U.S State Department travel advisories please see US State Department International Travel Advice
The travel advisory waiver form is now electronic. If a traveler has a trip to a destination subject to a travel advisory please make sure that all the trip information is entered, saved and submitted in Kuali TEM. This is the new integrated registration system. After the TA is saved and submitted the system will email the traveler a link to the Kuali TEM portal. A CSU EID is required to login, sign the travel advisory waiver and submit. Then the system will send an approval email to the traveler and arranger. A copy of the approval must be attached to the TA as proof of approval.
The database accesses ODS nightly. Therefore please allow for sufficient time. We recommend that TA’s be saved and submitted at least 48 hours PRIOR to departure.