Microbreaks! What is it and what are the benefits

Taking regular breaks, often referred to as microbreaks or “Ergo breaks” will help to improve circulation and reduce fatigue. Below are some basic guidelines for implementing these breaks into your workday: 

  • Take occasional breaks during the day away from the computer, at least one 5-minute break per hour.  
  • Taking regular microbreaks (~20-30 seconds in duration, every 20 minutes) is also highly recommended.  
  • Alternating from sitting to standing will also help alleviate static postures and is recommended (if feasible).  
  • Sitting and standing should be on a 2:1…OR…1:1 ratio (i.e. sit 30 min, stand 15 min, repeat…OR…sit 30 min, stand 30 min, repeat). 
  • Consider using a software program such as Big Stretch Reminder to help set customized reminders for stretching and breaks throughout the day.  

Please take a look at our website – Office Ergonomics | Risk Management & Insurance | Colorado State University (colostate.edu) for more information and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.