Drone Use at CSU
CSU Drone Policy
Risk Management and Insurance (RMI), CSU Drone Center (DC), and Facilities Management (FM) approval is required.
Applications and flight plans to launch or land a UAS/UAV on/from CSU property requires a minimum two-week approval process prior to flight.
Operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and relevant state law. CSU’s UAS/UAV Policy establishes procedures to ensure compliance with those legal obligations and to reduce risks related to safety, security and privacy.
CSU Owned Drones (UAS/UAV)
University departments, employees, and/or students wishing to use CSU funds to purchase and/or operate a UAS/UAV as part of their university employment or part of a university program are responsible to purchase and maintain CSU’s UAS/UAV liability insurance prior to any flight. Physical Damage coverage for UAS/UAV and associated systems – recommended for high value equipment – may also be purchased. Departments who do not purchase physical damage coverage are responsible for the loss and/or damage to the UAS/UAV and associated equipment. All departments must notify and provide RMI with an account number for liability insurance, prior to operations.
Non-CSU Owned Drones (UAS/UAV)
Only at the request of a CSU sponsored academic or research or business, are non-CSU owned UASs/UAVs allowed to take off and land on CSU properties and only with RMI/DC/FM approval prior to operations. In addition to the scheduling approval process below, a $1M drone/aviation liability Certificate of Insurance (listing Colorado State University and its affiliates as additional insureds) is required and must be submitted to RMI prior to operations.
Pilots – Drone (UAS/UAV)
Anyone wishing to operate a UAS/UAV on CSU properties, is required to comply with all FAA and state laws. Pilots must possess a valid Part 107 pilot’s license and receive approval – prior to operations.
Scheduling Flight Operations on CSU Owned Property
ALL flights that take off and/or land on University controlled property must be approved prior to operation. To initiate the approval process submit the following in the CSU Event Management System (EMS):
- CSU Drone Approval Request Form (PDF)
- CSU Basic Flight Plan (PDF)
- Valid Part 107 FAA Pilot’s License
CSU affiliates must also request a flight (event) through CSU’s EMS System
- Log onto CSU EMS System
- Select “Create a Reservation“
- Under “Request a Special Event Space” select “Book Now“
- Under “Locations” click on “Add/Remove”
- In the “Find locations” box. Type “Outdoor.” This will pull up a check box “Outdoor Space.”
- Click on “Outdoor Space” and then click “Update Locations” at the bottom of the page.) If the space you want is different than the locations listed, select “Other.” (Please note: most drone flights on CSU properties occur at Christman A/B/C fields. Selecting a location other than Christman field may be restrictive and limited.)
- Include items #1-3 above as part of the registration packet.
Non-affiliated CSU parties need to:
- Complete and submit a Special Event Request form.
- Email items #1-3 above as part of the Special Event Request form to Facilities Management.
- A minimum $1M Aviation Liability Certificate of Insurance (COI) is required naming Colorado State University as the certificate holder and naming the following as an additional insured: “The State of Colorado, Colorado State University System Board of Governors, Colorado State University, officers, and employees are all listed as additional insureds in respect to liability policies.”
- Email a copy of your COI to Facilities Management. If you do not have a liability policy, contact Joyce Pratt at 970.491.1432. If for any reason you cannot obtain EMS access, please contact the Facilities Scheduling Office or call 970.491.0108.
NOTE: Recreational or hobbyist use of UAS/UAV or model aircraft on or over University property, not for a University-sponsored academic, research or business purpose is not permitted.