Office Ergonomics
The duration people spend working on a computer continues to increase and although awareness of ergonomics is improving, people continue to be exposed to ergonomic hazards and the risk for injury. Without proper consideration of ergonomics, the likelihood of pain and discomfort will remain along with an increased risk for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Not only is the proper workstation layout and design crucial, so too is the awareness of people using the workstation, equipment, and tools. New challenges are also arising because of the convenience of the laptop computer, tablet, and other portable devices. Each of these does not place the user in ideal working postures and further increases the risk of fatigue, pain, discomfort, and injury. To improved safety, reduce the likelihood of injury, and improve the well-being of employees, ergonomics must be given the proper attention.
Workstation Set-Up Tips
Ergonomic Evaluation
Ergo Lab/Showroom
Matching Funds
Additional Ergonomic Resources
Furniture & Equipment
Contact CSU Ergonomics
(970) 491-2724